Financial Data

Expenditures by Funding Source

wdt_ID Expenditures by Funding Source Amount in $K
1 State/Tuition 3,811
2 Other UW Sources 917
3 Federal Resarch 13,773
4 Industrial Research 121
5 WARF 479
6 Fellowships 465
7 Gifts 504
8 Services 533
9 TOTAL 20,603

Expenditures by Department Operation

Expenditures by Department Operation Amount in $K
Experimental Plasma Physics 6,697
Nuclear Materials 2,583
Nuclear Systems Engineering 1,966
Mechanics of Materials 1,194
Plasma Theory and Computation 643
Fluid Mechanics 544
Nuclear Security 302
Infrastructure 218
Quantum Engineering 167
Fellowships/Scholarships 848
Faculty & Staff Salaries 3,990
New Faculty Startups 872
Facilities, Supplies, Services 422
Professorships 156
TOTAL 20,602
Experimental Plasma Physics 6,697
Plasma Theory and Computation 643
Nuclear Materials 2,583
Nuclear Systems Engineering 1,966
Nuclear Security 302
Infrastructure 218

Gift Fund Expenses

Gift Fund Expense Area Amount $
Grad Student Support 71,141
Scholar/Fellow 31,948
Office Equipment & Supplies 11,041
Services 7,218
Remodel 7,178
Events & Awards 6,455
Staff Salary 2,445
Instructional Supplies 2,000
Other 1,221
TOTAL 140,647