Financial Data

Expenditures by Funding Source

Expenditures by Funding Sources Amount in $K
Tuition & Instructional funds appropriated by the State of Wisconsin 4,093
Capital Exercise & diversity funds provided by the University 766
Research funds from the Federal Government 15,870
Research funds from Industry 324
Graduate School Research Committee Funds (WARF) 999
Fellowships from the Federal Government and Industry (not included above) 322
Gifts and Donations from Industry and/or Individuals 570
Internal Revenue Producing Activities 544
TOTAL 23,488

Expenditures by Department Operation

Expenditures by Department Operation Amount in $K
Experimental Plasma Physics 6,180
Plasma Theory and Computation 1,004
Fusion Technology 1,963
Fission Reactor Engineering & Radiation Sciences 3,763
Fuels & Materials 2,860
Mechanics & Materials 1,160
Fellowships/Scholarships 673
Professorships 200
New Faculty Startups 854
Faculty & Instructional Staff 2,870
Academic & Administrative Staff 1,252
Facilities, Supplies, Services 709
TOTAL 23,488